Alışveriş Sepetim

Ghawâmid al-Sihâh

Ghawâmid al-Sihâh
Ghawâmid al-Sihâh
  • ISBN: 9786057268532
  • Weight: 253.00g
  • Author Name: ,
  • ISBN: 9786057268532
  • Book Language: Arabic
Ex Tax: $10.00

Al-Jawhari and Al-Saffadi are two Arab authors of Turkish descent, renowned for their contributions to the field of linguistics. Al-Jawhari, in his well-known dictionary "Al-Sihah," introduced a revolutionary concept in Arabic lexicography by arranging Arabic words according to the ending letter of their roots. This innovation laid the foundation for a prestigious school of thought that gained recognition in the field of linguistics.

Due to the presence of weak letters in some word roots, there were challenges in determining their origins, leading to the issue of ambiguous and obscure words. This is the subject of Al-Saffadi's book, "Ghawamid Al-Sihah," where he delved into words with disputed roots and provided solutions for them.

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